Dr. Md Mahbubur Rahman

PhD in Communication and Journalism (Health Communication major), Massey University, New Zealand


Md Mahbubur Rahman

PhD Student, School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University, New Zealand

Curriculum vitae

School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing

Academic Institution

Dr. Md Mahbubur Rahman

PhD in Communication and Journalism (Health Communication major), Massey University, New Zealand

School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing

Academic Institution


 - Completed PhD in Communication and Journalism (major in health communication) at School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing of Massey University, New Zealand and the PhD topic is "Construction of health among the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: A Culture-Centered Approach.” Since August 2017 dealing with the "Rohingya refugee Crisis."

- Having more than 40 international journal articles with over 800 citations in Google Scholar. https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ZIyav-IAAAAJ or https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Mahbubur-Rahman-8

- Co-author of a NZ Govt. Report titled 'Community-led culture-centered prevention of family violence and sexual violence' https://tepunaaonui.govt.nz/assets/Resources/CARE-Executive-Summary.pdf

- Co-author of three book chapters (1) ‘The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Health of Rohingya Refugees' under the book named  'Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic'  (2) ‘Justice-based public pedagogy of care: The organizing work of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE)’ in the book entitled ‘Teaching Communication across Disciplines for Professional Development, Civic Engagement, and Beyond.’ (3) 'Disrupting, Intervening, and Re-imagining Health, Development, and Social Change: A Culture-Centered Approach’ in the book titled 'Managing the Post-Colony: Voices from Aotearoa, Australia and The Pacific'

-  Working as a Research Assistant at Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), Massey University since March 2020.

- Worked as a Settlement Cross Cultural Worker of New Zealand Red Cross to support the refugee background community from October 2022 to October 2024.

- Worked as a Service Manager at Manawatu Multicultural Council (MMC) from April to October 2023. MMC is a recognised and established charitable organisation which has been operating within Palmerston North for over 30 years providing an essential point of contact for new migrants, refugees and newcomers to the City.

- Served as a News Producer at Bangladesh Television (BTV) for more than 9 years and as a Program Producer in Bangladesh Betar (Radio Bangladesh) for more than 8 years.

- Worked as a Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy at University of Development Alternative (UODA), Bangladesh in 2009-2010 session and then continued to participate at the research activities of the Pharmacy department of UODA, up to February 2020.

- Awarded NOMA (NORAD's Programme for Master Studies, Norway) Fellowship for studying Regional Master’s in Journalism, Media and Communication degree.

- Achieved Gold Medal (Chancellor Award) in MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree (CGPA 3.98 out of 4) and secured 19 position in SSC (Secondary School Certificate) exam (799 marks out of 1000) among 88,465 students. 

 - A registered Pharmacist of Bangladesh. 


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